Did you know that it costs £2357 a day to run Wakefield Cathedral?
We are still endeavouring to recover our finances from the impact of the pandemic. We live firm in hope, but as one of the poorest English cathedrals, with no significant endowments or reserves, located in an area of need, we face an uphill struggle.
Despite this we continue to deliver a lot, for a little!
As you would expect, we are doing all that we can both to generate funding and to steward our resources wisely in these challenging times, but to help us to recover our finances we really need people who can commit to regular monthly giving of any amount, no matter how small.
The nature and character of cathedral life means that our community and congregation is more transient and dispersed than a typical parish church, meaning that it is more difficult to establish regular giving. Whatever your connection to Wakefield Cathedral, whether you live locally or far away, worship with us regularly or occasionally, value our heritage, our cultural space or our being at the heart of our community, we are counting on your help. I am acutely aware that all of us have increased pressure on our budgets at the moment, but we would be so grateful if you would consider making a regular financial contribution, however big or small.
There are a number of ways you can do this:
With every blessing and with all good wishes,
Dean Simon
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