This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost, or Whitsunday in old money, the day Christians believe the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus’s followers. The Holy Spirit is that person of God who fills our hearts and minds with wisdom, hope, and understanding.
This Sunday, also, we hold our Annual Meetings after a joint 10am service. Some of what these meetings have to do, as any charity does, is review reports and accounts, elect some officers, and transact some business to make sure we are following the law and making good use of our various assets and resources.
That’s hugely important. But the annual meetings are also a chance to thank the lay staff in the cathedral and office work who daily go above and beyond, a relatively small staff for our size of operation, to make the most of what we have.
Thanking our dedicated staff team prompts a wider ‘thank you’ to everyone who contributes to our shared life. It may be some voluntary role in our services or various groups, teams, or activities through the week. It may be faithful financial giving, of whatever amount, without which we could not keep the building open and the community functioning. It may be the support of your concern and prayers.
If you’re reading this, thank you, because even by receiving Catch-Up you are a valued and important part of our community. The clergy team would love to hear from you if you would like to get involved more or know about any aspect of cathedral life.
In this week where we thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit, God’s presence in our hearts and lives, thank you to everyone for all you do; and thank you to God, without whom none of this would make sense, and none of us would even be here.
With prayers and best wishes,
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