Our Services Explained

We host many different types of service at Wakefield Cathedral, mostly on a weekly basis. We also mark special or significant events, dates and occasions throughout the year.

If you require any further information on any of the forthcoming services at Wakefield Cathedral, please call 01924 373923 or email admin@wakefield-cathedral.org.uk.

To view which services are coming up this week visit the ‘This week’s Services’ page.

Below are descriptions of some of our regular services and what you can expect at each.

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer takes place at Wakefield Cathedral Monday to Friday at 08:00 and at 10:00 on Saturdays. The service consists of psalms, readings and prayers. It is followed by a celebration of the Eucharist.

The Eucharist

The Eucharist is the central act of worship for Christians. At a celebration of the Eucharist, the community gathers, asks God’s forgiveness for its sins and listens to readings from the Bible including a reading from one of the Gospels. A sermon is often preached and the community prays together. Bread and wine are brought to the altar, the Eucharistic Prayer (which calls to mind God’s saving action throughout history and makes holy the bread and wine) is said, and everyone says the Lord’s Prayer together. The community then receives the consecrated bread and wine (Holy Communion). 

Traditional Language or Modern Language?

Some of our services use more traditional language – for instance they use the word ‘Thou’ instead of ‘You’ when addressing God. Other services use modern language.

It is up to individuals to decide which form of service they prefer.

Evensong (Evening Prayer)

At Wakefield Cathedral we celebrate Evensong on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday during school term times. The service lasts for around 40 minutes, and is similar in format to Morning Prayer except that most of the service is sung by the choir.

Outside school term, Evensong is replaced by a said service of Evening Prayer.

Night Prayer (Compline)

Also known as Compline, Night Prayer is a quiet service of reflection which takes place every Saturday night at 20:00 and is shared via the cathedral’s Facebook page, to be viewed from the comfort of your home. It is a 10-15 minute service containing readings, prayers and sometimes recorded music.

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Wakefield Cathedral

Cathedral Centre
8-10 Westmorland St
View on Map

01924 373923
