September remains symbolic of a fresh start. It signifies summer’s passing and conjures up images of back-to-school, sharpened pencils, new shoes and a different teacher; one who doesn’t know you and allows you to start afresh.
September is also an opportunity for us all to restart our best environmental intentions during Creationtide, which runs for the whole month of September and into the first week of October. This is a time when we remember God as Creator and Sustainer of all life. The theme for the Season of Creation this year is to let justice and peace flow. It is based around Isaiah 43:19 “Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing.”
The symbol for this year’s Season of Creation is a Mighty River. The prophet Amos cries out “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never failing stream!” Amos 5:24.
Christian Aid are running a creative project called Letters for Creation and are inviting children and young people to create a piece of art as their letter for creation. It aims to give them a means of reflecting on what caring for creation means to them and to find a way for their voices to be heard in the climate justice conversation.
September is also a time for playing with sibilant sounds like: sustainability, saving, salvaged, safe, solar, second hand, single (-use plastic), slow (fashion) silicone, sound, synthetic, sensitive and SMART.
So, however you intend to start saving September, we will all hope and pray that our efforts, no matter how small will make a big difference.
Susan Morgan
Eco Group
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