Eco Comment – Patience, Frustration and the Willingness to Wait.

08 December 2023

Frustrate = 1. Make (efforts) ineffective. 2. prevent (a person) from achieving a purpose. 3. discontented because unable to achieve one’s desire.

Do you find yourself running out of patience? Do you get frustrated at the seeming slowness of getting things done?

This last week saw representatives from all over the world gather in Dubai for COP 28. That’s 28 years of trying to change perceptions of climate change and to persuade governments and industries to back eco policies. The first COP meeting was held in Berlin in 1995. That’s a long time to be fighting frustration and having patience!

The sheer number of people involved is staggering. Their brief is to: UNITE. ACT. DELIVER. Hopefully they will succeed but I wonder how patient they will be when yet again their efforts are frustrated by those who are unwilling to make the necessary changes to their lives or to the the lives of people in the countries they represent?

We in Wakefield are a long way from Dubai and many will think that there is little they can do, but they can join with Christians and those from other faiths the world over to pray for the success of these meetings and the deliberations taking place. Charities like Tearfund and others are offering up prayers which we can join in with. Alternatively you could listen to the radio – United Christian Broadcasters (UCB) or read The Church Times: ‘World Faiths must lead by example over climate crisis, Welby tells pre-COP summit’. Pat Ashworth (7.11.23).

A Rocha have produced a wealth of resources to help us understand the challenges ahead and how we can help. University of Leeds staff and students from the Priestley Centre from Climate Futures are attending. To widen participation and interest, artists and writers will be working alongside scientists and academics through groups such as Hot Poets.

There is a Global Day of Action on Saturday 9.12.23. The big rally is taking place in London and groups such as A Rocha, Christian Aid, CAFOD and Green Christian will all be represented. There is also a rally in Leeds where you can go to show solidarity with those decision makers. The rally is meeting in Briggate at 11am.

So, instead of getting frustrated at the seeming lack of progress on the part of the decision makers, you can do something constructive. Join in. Meet others who share similar frustrations but who also believe in the power of us: the little people who collectively can show how much we care.

Alternatively talk to God, the most patient of all.

Susan Morgan
Eco Group

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